DNA之父(DNA分子的双螺旋结构奠基人)---弗兰西斯·克里克(Francis Harry Compton Crick 1916.6.8——2004.7.28) 获1962年诺贝尔生理和医学奖.(如上图) 对于克里克来说,只要将达尔文从自然选择所得出的进化论和孟德尔(Gregor Johann Mendel,1822-1884,遗传学的奠基人)在基因方面所做的研究加起来,就能得到生命的秘密。后来当他意识到自然地形成生命有多么不可能时,他说:“一个诚实的人,不管知道多少,也只能说生命的起源几乎是一个奇迹,因为有多少条件都需要被达到啊!”(An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going. )
在克里克的著作《生命本身》(LifeItself)中曾提到,“外来生命从另一个太阳系将必要的生命之源带到渺无生机的行星上,感谢他们仁慈的介入和参与,才使生命从这里开始。”(Creatures from another solar system brought the seeds necessary for life to lifeless planets and, thanks to their kind intervention, life began here.)
以下是俄罗斯科学家“弗拉迪米尔.琶普宁博士” Dr. Vladimir Poponin 对DNA惊人功能的实验过程和结论。
The Galaxy is “tuned” to form DNA
In the optimal planetary system, where there are no major cataclysms or interruptions, there is a specific distance from the Sun where the tiniest spiraling waves will gather a planet';s natural materials together to form the DNA molecules of life. The DNA is the wave, and the wave is the DNA. That DNA is formed in the process of planetary evolution may sound ridiculous, but it can effectively be proven by something known as the DNA Phantom effect. Dr. Vladimir Poponin put DNA in a tube and shone a laser through it, and to his surprise he realized that it actually captured the light and caused it to spiral through the helix, as if it were a crystal. Even more amazingly, when Dr. Poponin removed the DNA, the light continued spiraling on its own!
For light to form a DNA helix on its own should of course be impossible - unless the light itself had become harmonically tuned to some naturally existing frequency in the energy of space around it. To me, this says that the spiraling light energy of DNA was there first, and the physical molecules simply formed around the spiraling energy once the planet was at the proper frequency position. The Galaxy is “tuned” to form human DNA in planetary systems wherever it gets the chance.