《When a Man Loves a Woman》 When a man loves a woman Can't keep his mind on nothing else He’d trade the world For a good thing he’s found If she is bad, he can't see it She can do no wrong Turn his back on his best friend If he puts her down When a man loves a woman Spend his very last dime Trying to hold on to what he needs He'd give up all his comforts And sleep out in the rain If she said that's the way It ought to be When a man loves a woman I give you everything I've got Trying to hold on To your precious love Baby, baby please don’t treat me bad When a man loves a woman Deep down in his soul She can bring him such misery If she is playing him for a fool He's the last one to know Loving eyes can never see Yes! When a man loves a woman I know exactly how he feels ‘Cause baby, baby, baby When a man loves a woman When a man loves a woman When a man loves a woman When a man, when a man, when a man loves a woman ...
迈克尔·波顿所获得的音乐成就奖数不胜数:1989年获纽约音乐奖的最佳男流行歌手奖;1990年又获该奖项的最佳男流行歌手和最佳艺人奖;1991年,他以一曲《没有你我无法生存(How Am I Supposed to Live Without You)》荣获第32届格莱美最佳男声歌曲奖。 迈克尔·波顿身上充满了成熟男性的魅力,一头披肩的金色长发和无比动情的演唱令众多歌迷为之倾倒。难怪在1993年,他被一家杂志的读者评为“全美最性感的男人”。