一路走 发表于 2008-7-23 21:32 只看TA 1楼 |
电影《天使之城》主题曲——angel,超好听! 由尼古拉斯凯奇和好莱坞甜姐梅格瑞恩主演的电影天使之城主题曲『剧情介绍』: 塞思是洛杉矶上空的一位天使,他不知疲倦地四处奔走,为凡人们排忧解难,这天他无影无踪地到来一家医院,可惜他来晚了一步,接受心脏外科手术的病人已经死在了手术台上。主刀大夫玛吉.瑞丝认为这是她的责任,她失去了自信,精神也一下垮了。见此情景,塞思决定留下来帮助玛吉战胜精神上的危机。在这个过程中,他爱上了美丽的玛吉。为了能切切实实地接触到玛吉,他冒险使自己显了形。玛吉不知道这位突然出现的陌生人就是每天都在帮助也的精灵,她被塞思迷住了。但是,随着他们的感情越来越深,玛吉开始怀疑没有家庭、没有过去的塞思究竟来自何方。而当她最终得知塞思居然是一位天使时,她陷入深深的困惑之中,在信仰与情感之间难以作出抉择。与此同时,塞思也发现自己无法真正进入凡人的世界。然而,他已无法割舍对玛吉的爱。为了能与玛吉一起分亨生活的快乐,他毅然决定放弃天使的身份,从此做一个凡人。但是,愿望有时是无法实现的,即使是一个天使的愿望 ......幸福仅仅存在了一个晚上,第二天玛吉再一次意外中死去…………但,哪怕是仅仅一天的人的生活,有人自由的意志,能真正爱一个人,用永恒来换取,也是值得的…………哪怕,幸福只是一瞬。 ![]() Nicolas Cage和Meg Ryan联袂演出的经典大片《天使之城》的原声碟。相信看过的朋友对电影里的歌曲和配乐都留下了相当深刻的印象,现在可以在音乐里重温一下当时的感受了。 [wmv]http://www.np163.net/mp3/Sarah_McLachlan_angel.mp3[/wmv] http://www.np163.net/mp3/Sarah_McLachlan_angel.mp3 主题曲<<天使>> Spend all your time waiting for that second chance For the break that will make it OK There always some reason to feel not good enough And it hard at the end of the day I need some distraction or a beautiful release Memories seep from my veins Let me be empty and weightless and maybe l find some peace tonight In the arms of the Angel far away from here From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you feel You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie You are in the arms of the Angel; may you find some comfort here So tired of the straight line, and everywhere you turn There vultures and thieves at your back The storm keeps on twisting, you keep on building the lies That make up for all that you lack It dont make no difference, escape one last time It easier to believe In this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness That brings me to my knees In the arms of the Angel far away from here From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you feel You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie You are in the arms of the Angel; may you find some comfort here In the arms of the Angel; may you find some comfort here |
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richard1025 发表于 2008-7-26 21:26 只看TA 4楼 |
曲子不错,蛮有意境的,需要在一个安静的地方默默地感受音乐的美妙。感谢楼主分享。 |
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zxc718021zxc 发表于 2008-7-27 14:17 只看TA 6楼 |
电影非常不错,好的歌曲必须在合适的场景中才更有韵味! |
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